Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Dear Sis. Johnson the Snazziest,

Well, I at least think that you're snazzy. I'm sorry that you spent your birthday planning for eight hours. That seems a bit excessive to me, but I guess planning is a good thing?

And you are totes the Doctor.

Did you get the pen? Is it not super cool?

This week has been kind of crazy as illustrated by the fact that I have to go to bed soon so that I can get up tomorrow morning to write, not edit, write a paper that's due  tomorrow about Sendhil Mullainathan. If you don't know who that is, that's OK, neither do I. Yet...

So, here's a brief rundown in bullet form
  • Monday: woke up in Vegas, went climbing in Red Rock Canyon. It was awesome. Daniel, Nathan, Nate, and I climbed for about three hours. I led a 5.10b. The rocks were awesome, the weather was perfect, and we got in for free because it was a holiday. Thank you dead presidents. (pic included of me leading the route)

  • Tuesday-Thursday: lots of school. I took two midterms on Thursday which is more than I thought I would get done. Not fun.
  • Friday: Daniel and I went and saw Walk Off the Earth in Salt Lake. They were playing at the same place that we saw Lindsey Stirling. They were AWESOME! They have great stage presence and put on an awesome show, just like I knew they would. (pic included)
  • Saturday: Daniel and I doubled with this other couple and went climbing up Rock Canyon. The other couple had never been climbing before. I was going to lead the climb because Daniel didn't want to, but then this giant rock came tumbling down the hill and hit me in the leg. I wasn't even climbing. I was just standing there, and it hit me smack in the thigh. The guys climbing below us all winced and asked if I was OK. It hurt a lot, so I took a minute, and shook it off and then lead the route because I am THAT hard core, and I figured that if I didn't climb it then no one would get to climb it and there goes the point of the trip.. (pic of my awesome bruise included)

  • Saturday night: went to a cougarettes concert with the roomies. They are really good at what they do, dancing that is. they are all white, from Utah, have danced since they were three, and their moms all own dance studios. Rather homogenous.
  • Sunday: Today was fun. I went to church, hung with Daniel and skyped the parental units.
    It's now a little more purple than this...
So, that's what happened.

You quote this week is from The Fault in Our Stars, which I can't remember if you read or not, but should if not, when you get home, "Pain demands to be felt." Kind of gloomy, but true, I think.

I love you!

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