Admit it. You're sassy, you sassy pants. I bet you're a sassy missionary too. I'm so glad that you get to stay in Louisiana for another 6 weeks. That means that you'll be in Lake Charles for 6 months, right? I was in Roi Et for 6 months. Roi Et was the smallest area in the mission for sisters, and I swear I invited every street in that area by the time I left. I think Lake Charles is a little bigger than that.
How's the new comp? Crazy that you're still in a three-some. How did the last one go? Did you adjust to having three people teaching? Was it like a party all the time? Three people is so much more fun than two.
I can't believe that you're going to be 20! And the last Johnson child leaves tennagedom. That's it. I'm officially old, and Mom and Dad are ready to retire. I hope you do something awesome for your birthday like eat some ice cream or jumbo or cake or something.
I am so grateful for your service and know that there is no other way that you could better be spending your time. What you're doing now has eternal consequences for you, your investigators, your companions, the members you serve with, and your family. Missions are so awesome.
So, thank you and Happy Birthday.
Anyway, I loved those stories about the little boy praying for his Mom and accidentally finding that less active. How are Michael and Randy doing? The Lord is totally leading people to you because you are totally prepared and worthy to teach them.
As for things going on with me, it's been a pretty great week. I had lots of tests (well, that wasn't part of the greatness) I didn't do so well in budgeting because all our prof said about the test was that it would be over everything that we'd learned so far, and then he and the TA went out of town for the week. Lamesauce. The other test went better, I think. Finance and budgeting were the two classes. I know, you're excited hearing about it.
I found time to go to a basketball game too this week. We watched our cougs trump the Santa Clara Broncos (no, not THE Broncos who also got trumped but in the superbowl. Please take a moment of silence... It's OK though because everyone still loves Peyton Manning. I saw an article about it on the internet, so it must be true.)
Aside from studying, I went to a "classy mystery banquet" with Daniel. One of his friends from school wrote this whole mystery story, and then he invited a bunch of people to a fancy banquet. Every guest had a role assigned and we went around trying to found out who the "murderer" was and what not.
It was pretty amazing. There were about 50 people there and the host knew everyone's part and how it all fit together. Daniel was a German scientist working on cold fusion, and I was a German oboist, who was playing in the Berlin symphony. Daniel put on this great German accent for most of the night. It was great fun, and I discovered that in addition to being a great Hermione Granger real-life-double, I also make a great bitter, German oboist.So, that was fun.
Last night I went to the ward Valentine's Day party. They had amazing fondue. Then my roommates and some guy friends from the ward went and got amazing tacos from that place that Dallin took us before. Yum, yum, yum.
This morning I got up painfully early for a Sunday and went to Music and the Spoken Word at the tabernacle in Salt Lake. My visiting teacher is in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir now, and it was her first time singing in the broadcast, so a bunch of us went up to support her. She sounded great! And looked great in their little half-mumus.
The most ironic part of the whole venture was that no guys came. There were about 13 girls and no boys. Story of this ward. I did hear that some of the guys in the ward, upon seeing the picture we took in the tabernacle with all of those amazingly beautiful women sans men, said, "Dang, man! We should have gone!" Yes, you should have.
Church was good and then Luiza made dinner and we had a lot of people over. All in all, fun was had. No tests this week too! Yay!
Your quote this week is from the Doctor again. I'm in season 5 now with Doctor the 11th and Amy Pond. I'm loving it more than ever. This is from the first episode when he finally comes back for Amy.
Amy Pond: I thought... Well, I started to think you were just a mad man with a box.The Doctor: Amy Pond, there's something you better understand about me 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it: I am definitely a mad man with a box.
I love you!
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Knew it. |
It's just because the coolest guys were out of town ;)