I can't believe it snowed in Louisiana. Are you freezing? I really hope that you went out and bought some warm clothes. I'm sure Mom can put some more money in your account in the interest of you retaining the use of all fingers and toes. I bought a pair of nice boots earlier this winter because I was tired of my feet being so cold. I would recommend investing.
I'm glad that you're taking members with you when you teach. Sometimes a member friend can literally make all the difference with an investigator, especially when you're working to overcome linguistic or cultural differences. I can't tell you how many times on the mission we were asked if there were Thai people at our church. We would reassure them that we were the only white people, but having a member there ups your cred about 1000%.
Are you getting transferred? Is is transfers week. I predict that there is a 70% chance that you are getting transferred. There's my "phayagoning" skills coming in handy. "Phayagon" means to prophesy in Thai, and it's what we would call it when all the sisters in the mission tried to predict where and when we would be transferred. Since there was only about 20 of us it wasn't that hard, but I suspect that your mission has many more sisters now.
Anyway, keep up the good work. From my accounting, you've been out more than 8 months, which means that you're coming up on your half way point. This is when you've been on the mission so long that it feels like forever, but you still have an eternity in front of you. Don't worry, it'll fly by.
I remember looking at the airport signs in Bangkok and thinking that I would never actually go there, and then, BAM! It happened, and I was like, "Wait... WHAT?! What happened to my mission? I want it back!" But some days, hours, moments will be longer and honestly a struggle, so just keep on fighting. In Thai, they say, "Suu Suu!" It literall means, "Fight, fight!!"
Things here are going good. This week was kind of low key too. I did a lot of school stuff all week as per usual. I'm learning all sorts of interesting stuff about government finances and budgets.... Said no one ever...
Just kidding. It really is interesting to learn about where all the services we take for granted come from and the process in deciding what gets provided and how. Interesting... but occasionally a little dry.
Other things. Thursday Daniel and I played racquetball. I'd never really played, so he taught me how and then proceeded to beat me soundly twice.
Friday night we went to see "The Book Thief" together. I'd already seen it and read the book, but Daniel hadn't. He cried at the end. I re-read the book this week too. The book is so much better than the movie, but the movie is excellent too.
Saturday I went to a Chinese New Year Party at the Wilk.
The Party in A Nutshell:
The Wilk ballroom has been set up with lots of round tables. There's a large screen at the front broadcasting the Chinese Times Square equivalent of a New Year's celebration.
More Asians than I've ever seen in Provo mill around waiting in line to get food, which according to my friend Liz, is Americanized Chinese food, which she would never eat in China.
The walls and ceilings are adorned with red Chinese lanterns and random banners with indiscernible Chinese characters on them.
I wait in line behind a pack of teenage Asian girls who occasionally look up from their banana-cover cell phones to communicate with those around them.
After we finally get food, a variety show of sorts starts, which, of course, features lots of karaoke. This may sound very stereotypical. Yep. My favorite part was when they made white people who couldn't speak Chinese get up in front of everyone and sing along to Chinese songs with sound-cancelling head phones on. The point was to have someone in the audience guess the song. I played this before, but we called it Helen Keller. If you're wondering why, try it.
Happy Chinese New Year!
Today was a great fast and testimony meeting. Fasting is hard, but it's always worth it. I'm sure you've heard that the Broncos lost the super bowl. A more accurate description would be the Broncos got smeared across the field by the Seahawks.
Daniel and I stopped watching after the Seahawks were up 40 points in the 4th quarter and read the Economist together on my iPhone. So, that was disappointing, but like a true sports fan, we lift our heads and say, "Well, there's always next year."
Your quote this week is again from the Doctor. Love him. It's from the last episode with the 10th Doctor when the Doctor's bringing the alien salvage ship into the atmosphere so he can stop the Master and save planet earth, " There's an old Earth saying, Captain. A phrase of great power and wisdom and consolation to the soul in times of need. Allons-y!!"
Just remember that next time you're feeling down about missionary work.
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Why are Mean Girls quotes on Harry Potter memes the funniest thing on the internet? |
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I know. |
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